Peer-Reviewed Publications

Indicates co-first authorship | *Indicates undergraduate co-author

8. Román-Palacios, C., H.M. Carroll, A.J. Arnold, R.J. Flores, Q. Gan, S.V. Petersen, K.A. McKinnon, J. Emile-Geay, D. Khider, A. Tripati. BayClump: Bayesian Calibration and Temperature Reconstructions for Clumped Isotope Thermometry. Under revision at Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Preprint available at:

7. Lucarelli, J.K, H.M. Carroll, R.N. Ulrich, B. Elliott, T.B. Coplen, R. Eagle, and A. Tripati. 2023. Equilibrated gas and carbonate standard-derived dual (\(Δ_{47}\) and \(Δ_{48}\)) clumped isotope values. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24(2):e2022GC010458. DOI:

6. Houston, D.D., J.D. Satler, T.K. Stack*, H.M. Carroll, A.M. Bevan*, A.L. Moya*, and K.D. Alexander. 2022. A Phylogenomic perspective on the evolutionary history of the stonefly genus Suwallia (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) revealed by ultraconserved genomic elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 166:107320. DOI:

5. Upadhyay, D., J. Lucarelli, A. Arnold, R. Flores, H. Bricker, R.N. Ulrich, G. Jesmok, L. Santi, W. Defliese, R. Eagle, H.M. Carroll, J. Bateman, V. Petryshyn, S. Loyd, J. Tang, A. Priyadarshi, B. Elliott, and A. Tripati. 2021. Carbonate clumped isotope analysis \((Δ_{47})\) of 21 carbonate standards determined via gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry on four instrumental configurations using carbonate-based standardization and multi-year datasets. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35(17):e9143. DOI:

4. Ulrich, R.N., M. Guillermic, J. Campbell*, A. Hakim*, R. Han*, S. Singh*, J.D. Stewart, C. Román-Palacios, H.M. Carroll, I. De Corte, R.E. Gilmore, W. Doss, A. Tripati, J.B. Ries, and R.A. Eagle. 2021. Patterns of trace element incorporation in carbonate biominerals recapitulate phylogeny for diverse marine organisms. Frontiers in Earth Science - Geochemistry 9:641760. DOI:

3. Wamboldt, J.J., A.D. Wanamaker, H.M. Carroll, R. Schultz, and J.E. Morris. 2020. Trophic dynamics of a reservoir fishery following an introduction of a top predator: Insights from stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 27:531–539. DOI:

2. Carroll, H.M., A.D. Wanamaker, L.G. Clark, and B.J. Wilsey. 2020. Ragweed and sagebrush pollen can distinguish between vegetation types at broad spatial scales. Ecosphere 11(5):e03120 DOI:

1. Carroll, H.M., D.D. Houston, S. Ankerstjerne, and A.D. Wanamaker, Jr. 2019. Using light stable isotopes to assess stream food web ecology in a general ecology laboratory course. Journal of Biological Education. DOI:

Technical Publications

12. Taylor, B., H.M. Carroll, and R. Bingham. In press. The Reproductive Ecology of Astragalus microcymbus. Aquilegia Magazine. Colorado Native Plant Society.

11. Román-Palacios, C., H.M. Carroll, and A. Tripati. 2023. ‘bayclumpr’: Bayesian Analysis of Clumped Isotope Datasets. R package version 0.1.0.

10. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2017 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

9. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2016 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

8. Downing, J.A., C.T. Filstrup, D.L. Kendall, L. Whitehouse, and H. Carroll. 2016. A diagnostic–feasibility study for the restoration of Silver Lake, Palo Alto County. Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory and Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

7. Downing, J.A., C.T. Filstrup, D.L. Kendall, L. Whitehouse, and H. Carroll. 2015. A diagnostic–feasibility study for the restoration of North and South Twin Lakes. Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory and Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

6. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2015 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

5. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2014 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

4. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2013 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

3. Norris, J.G., I.E. Fraser, and H. Julich. 2012. Underwater Videographic Survey of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Sequim Bay, WA, August 2011. Report to Hansi Halls, Environmental Planning Manager, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Sequim, WA.

2. Norris, J.G., I.E. Fraser, and H. Julich. 2011. Defining fish use of subtidal vegetated habitats of the Elwha and comparative shorelines. Report to Cathy Lear, Clallam County Planning Biologist, Port Angeles, Washington.

1. Schanz, A., H. Julich, L. Ferrier, and H. Berry. 2010. Eelgrass Stressor-Response Project: Report 2007—2008. Nearshore Habitat Program. Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.