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Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Ecology    2023 - present
    Clark Family School of Environment and Sustainability; Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences
    Western Colorado University, Gunnison
IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellow    2020 - 2023
    Departments of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California, Los Angeles
    - Research mentors: Aradhna Tripati and Nathan Kraft
Early Career Fellow, Center for Diverse Leadership in Science    2020 - present
    University of California, Los Angeles
Adjunct Professor    2021 - 2023
    School of Environment and Sustainability, Department of Natural and Environmental Sciences,
    Western Colorado University, Gunnison
Lecturer    2022 - 2023
    Department of Biological Sciences, California State University of Los Angeles
Postdoctoral Research Associate    2020
    Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
    - Supervisor: Grace Wilkinson


Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology     2020
         Co-major: Environmental Science
Iowa State University, Ames
Dissertation: “Late Quaternary Paleoecology of the North American Midcontinent”
- Advisors: Lynn Clark and Alan Wanamaker

B.S. Environmental Science     2008
University of Washington, Tacoma

Awards and Honors

Research Excellence Award, Iowa State University. For academically superior dissertation research. 2020
Senior Assistantship, Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. Competitive research assistantship providing one semester of stipend, tuition, and benefits. 2019
Professional and Scientific Team CYtation Award, Iowa State University. Presented to the members of the ISU Stormwater Management Committee. For going above and beyond the call of duty to make a significant impact on the institution. 2017
Teaching Excellence Award, Iowa State University. For outstanding teaching by a graduate student. 2016
Participant, {GeoChronR} Workshop, Competitive–entry 3–day workshop in time–uncertain data analysis using the GeoChron package for R. NSF-funded; travel, room and board, and workshop entry expenses paid. 2016

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Indicates co-first authorship | *Indicates undergraduate co-author

8. Román-Palacios, C., H.M. Carroll, A.J. Arnold, R.J. Flores, Q. Gan, S.V. Petersen, K.A. McKinnon, J. Emile-Geay, D. Khider, A. Tripati. BayClump: Bayesian Calibration and Temperature Reconstructions for Clumped Isotope Thermometry. Under revision at Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Preprint available at:

7. Lucarelli, J.K, H.M. Carroll, R.N. Ulrich, B. Elliott, T.B. Coplen, R. Eagle, and A. Tripati. 2023. Equilibrated gas and carbonate standard-derived dual (\(Δ_{47}\) and \(Δ_{48}\)) clumped isotope values. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24(2):e2022GC010458. DOI:

6. Houston, D.D., J.D. Satler, T.K. Stack*, H.M. Carroll, A.M. Bevan*, A.L. Moya*, and K.D. Alexander. 2022. A Phylogenomic perspective on the evolutionary history of the stonefly genus Suwallia (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) revealed by ultraconserved genomic elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 166:107320. DOI:

5. Upadhyay, D., J. Lucarelli, A. Arnold, R. Flores, H. Bricker, R.N. Ulrich, G. Jesmok, L. Santi, W. Defliese, R. Eagle, H.M. Carroll, J. Bateman, V. Petryshyn, S. Loyd, J. Tang, A. Priyadarshi, B. Elliott, and A. Tripati. 2021. Carbonate clumped isotope analysis \((Δ_{47})\) of 21 carbonate standards determined via gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry on four instrumental configurations using carbonate-based standardization and multi-year datasets. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35(17):e9143. DOI:

4. Ulrich, R.N., M. Guillermic, J. Campbell*, A. Hakim*, R. Han*, S. Singh*, J.D. Stewart, C. Román-Palacios, H.M. Carroll, I. De Corte, R.E. Gilmore, W. Doss, A. Tripati, J.B. Ries, and R.A. Eagle. 2021. Patterns of trace element incorporation in carbonate biominerals recapitulate phylogeny for diverse marine organisms. Frontiers in Earth Science - Geochemistry 9:641760. DOI:

3. Wamboldt, J.J., A.D. Wanamaker, H.M. Carroll, R. Schultz, and J.E. Morris. 2020. Trophic dynamics of a reservoir fishery following an introduction of a top predator: Insights from stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 27:531–539. DOI:

2. Carroll, H.M., A.D. Wanamaker, L.G. Clark, and B.J. Wilsey. 2020. Ragweed and sagebrush pollen can distinguish between vegetation types at broad spatial scales. Ecosphere 11(5):e03120 DOI:

1. Carroll, H.M., D.D. Houston, S. Ankerstjerne, and A.D. Wanamaker, Jr. 2019. Using light stable isotopes to assess stream food web ecology in a general ecology laboratory course. Journal of Biological Education. DOI:

Technical Publications

11. Román-Palacios, C., H.M. Carroll, and A. Tripati. 2023. ‘bayclumpr’: Bayesian Analysis of Clumped Isotope Datasets. R package version 0.1.0.

10. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2017 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

9. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2016 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

8. Downing, J.A., C.T. Filstrup, D.L. Kendall, L. Whitehouse, and H. Carroll. 2016. A diagnostic–feasibility study for the restoration of Silver Lake, Palo Alto County. Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory and Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

7. Downing, J.A., C.T. Filstrup, D.L. Kendall, L. Whitehouse, and H. Carroll. 2015. A diagnostic–feasibility study for the restoration of North and South Twin Lakes. Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory and Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

6. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2015 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

5. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2014 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

4. Significant contributor, Municipal separate storm sewer system 2013 annual report. Department of Environmental Health and Safety and Facilities Planning and Management. Iowa State University.

3. Norris, J.G., I.E. Fraser, and H. Julich. 2012. Underwater Videographic Survey of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Sequim Bay, WA, August 2011. Report to Hansi Halls, Environmental Planning Manager, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Sequim, WA.

2. Norris, J.G., I.E. Fraser, and H. Julich. 2011. Defining fish use of subtidal vegetated habitats of the Elwha and comparative shorelines. Report to Cathy Lear, Clallam County Planning Biologist, Port Angeles, Washington.

1. Schanz, A., H. Julich, L. Ferrier, and H. Berry. 2010. Eelgrass Stressor-Response Project: Report 2007—2008. Nearshore Habitat Program. Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.


Mentored Teaching Practicum

IRACDA Program at UCLA, in Collaboration with California State University of Los Angeles

    Biol 4620: Plant Ecology [Mentored by Alexandra (Sasha) Wright] (2 semesters)     2021—2022

Courses Taught as Instructor of Record

Indicates redevelopment or co-redevelopment of existing course
Indicates development of new course

California State University of Los Angeles

    Biol 4540: Special Topics, biological sciences journal club (co-instructor) (3 semesters) 2021—2023
    Biol 3000: Biostatistics Laboratory (online) (2 semesters) 2022
    Biol 3000: Biostatistics Lecture (online) (1 semester) 2022

Iowa State University, Ames

    EnSci 490: Independent Study (6 semesters) 2014—2018
    EnSci 203: Exploration of Environmental Science (5 semesters) 2014—2018
    EnSci 202: Exploration of Environmental Issues (5 semesters) 2013—2017
    EnSci 204X: Applied Exploration of Environmental Science I (3 semesters) 2015—2017
    EnSci 205X: Applied Exploration of Environmental Science II (2 semesters) 2016—2017
    Biol 486xw: Aquatic Ecology Online (1 semester) 2016
    Biol 486L: Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, field & laboratory components (1 semester) 2013

Courses Taught as a Teaching Assistant

Iowa State University, Ames

    Biol 312L: General Ecology Laboratory, field and laboratory components (3 semesters) 2018—2019
    Biol 212L: Principles of Biology Laboratory II (1 semester) 2019
    Biol 394: Study Abroad: Maya Mountains & Calabash Caye, international field course (1 semester in classroom, 2 weeks abroad) 2015
    Biol 486xw: Aquatic Ecology Online (3 semesters) 2013—2015


Professional Development Grant, Iowa State University Environmental Science Program. 2019. Awarded for travel to the American Geophysical Union annual meeting. $200
Harry and Audrey Finch Scholarship (Finch Funds Award), Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. 2019. A high-resolution, multiproxy record of climate, vegetation, and fire history at the southern limit of the temperate tallgrass prairie, USA Awarded for travel to the American Geophysical Union annual meeting. $1,000
Professional Advancement Grant, Iowa State University Graduate and Professional Student Senate. 2019. Awarded for travel to the Botanical Society of America Annual Meeting. $200
Professional Advancement Grant Funds Matching, Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. 2019. Awarded for travel to the Botanical Society of America Annual Meeting. $100
Graduate Student Research Grant, Geological Society of America. 2019. Paleoecology of the Tallgrass Prairie-Ozark Forest Ecotone. $2,500
Graduate Student Research Grant, Geological Society of America. 2018. Late Quaternary Paleoecology of the Tallgrass Prairie-Ozark Forest Ecotone. $2,500
Harry and Audrey Finch Scholarship (Finch Funds Award), Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. 2016. Paleoecological Investigation of the Tallgrass Prairie-Ozark Forest Ecotone. $1,500
Lois Tiffany Scholarship Award, Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. 2016. Holocene Paleoecology of the Midwestern United States. $750
Harry and Audrey Finch Scholarship (Finch Funds Award), Iowa State University Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology. 2015. Paleoecology of the bamboo thickets of eastern Bolivia. $2,000
Curriculum Development Grant, Iowa State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 2014. Awarded to redevelop Biol 488 - Identification of Aquatic Organisms Online Course. $1,000
Student Travel Award, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). 2014. Awarded for travel to the ASLO Annual Meeting. $500

Service (Past Three Years)

Member - Master’s of Science in Ecology Council, Western Colorado University     2022 - present
Facilitator - Cultivating Leadership for Change and Justice in the Geosciences     2021
   Workshop 4: Progress and lessons learned after one year of anti-racism efforts in the geosciences.
Facilitator - Cultivating Leadership for Change and Justice in the Geosciences     2021
   Workshop 3: Effective strategies for student organizing. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
Facilitator - Cultivating Leadership for Change and Justice in the Geosciences     2020
   Workshop 2: Exploring challenges to diversifying faculty. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
Panelist - Biol 606: Ecological Research Methods, Career panel for MS Ecology     2020
   Students about lesser-known subdisciplines of ecology, Western Colorado University
Assistant Facilitator - Cultivating Leadership for Change and Justice in the Geosciences     2020
   Workshop 1: Call to action: Anti-racism efforts in the geosciences. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Volunteer - Letters to a Pre-Scientist penpal program     2019


Carroll, H. and C. Román-Palacios. R stats bootcamp: Part 2. Hands-on R statistics and coding workshop. Tripati lab, Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, University of California Los Angeles. 2021.
Carroll, H. Publication quality plotting in R. Hands-on R coding workshop for the Statistics Tutoring Center’s Statistics Bootcamp series. Western Colorado University, Gunnison. 2021. Recording:
Carroll, H. and C. Román-Palacios. R stats bootcamp: Part 1. R statistics demonstration. Tripati lab, Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, University of California Los Angeles. 2021.
Carroll, H. You’ve got data! Now what?: How to pick the right tests for your dataset (and why you should choose your tests first next time). R workshop in statistics for graduate students. Western Colorado University, Gunnison. 2020. Recording:

Invited Talks and Guest Lectures

Carroll, H. Making sense of warnings, errors, and messages in R. Virtual guest lecture for Ecological Research
Methods (Biology 606). 2022. Master’s level course. Western Colorado University, Gunnison, CO.
Carroll, H. Introduction to Paleobotany and Paleoecology. Virtual guest lecture for Environmental Botany (Biology 303). 2022. Stonehill College, Easton, MA.
Carroll, H. Computational data science for paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Invited seminar for University of Southern California, Los Angeles. 2022.
Carroll, H. Computational data science approaches to paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Invited seminar for the Geobiology graduate student organization at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. 2021.
Carroll, H. Stable isotopes analysis. Guest lecture with lab for general ecology course (Biology 302) in stable isotopes analysis using R. 2021. Western Colorado University, Gunnison.
Carroll, H. Stable isotopes analysis. Guest lecture with lab for general ecology course (Biology 302) in stable isotopes analysis using R. 2020. Western Colorado University, Gunnison.
Carroll, H. Spatial data wrangling in R. Demonstration for LunchinatoRS: an R-focused lunch seminar. 2019. Iowa State University, Ames
Carroll, H. New Solutions for Old Problems: The Power of Big Data in Late Quaternary Paleoecology. Departmental seminar. 2018. University of Washington, Tacoma.
Carroll, H. Stream Health and Ecology. Guest lecture with field component. Biology 211 - Introductory Biology for Nonmajors. 2018. Iowa State University, Ames.
Carroll, H. Water Quality on the Iowa State University Campus. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stakeholders Meeting. 2016. Iowa State University, Ames.
Carroll, H. Lake Eutrophication and Land Use. Departmental seminar. 2015. University of Wisconsin - Stout, Menomonie.

Presentations and Posters

Denotes presenter, if other than self | *Indicates undergraduate co-author

Samuelson, R.A., D.D. Houston, R. Japuntich, D. Cammack, and H.M. Carroll. 2021. Three-species on the move:
   Tracking movement patterns to inform conservation of three native fishes in the Dolores River Basin. Desert Fishes
   Council Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference.
Ulrich, R.N., M. Guillermic, J. Campbell*, A. Hakim*, R. Han*, S. Singh*, J.D. Stewart, C. Román-Palacios,
   H.M. Carroll, I. DeCorte, R.E. Gilmore, W. Doss, A. Tripati, J.B. Ries, and R.A. Eagle. 2021. Interspecific
   element incorporation in biogenic carbonates recapitulates phylogeny for diverse marine species.
   Presentation given at Goldschmidt 2021 virtual meeting.
J.K. Lucarelli, H.M. Carroll, B. Purgstaller, M. Dietzel, R.A. Eagle, and A. Tripati. 2021. Paired \((Δ_{47})\) and \((Δ_{48})\)
   carbonate clumped isotope data: Standard values, multi-instrument comparisons, mixing effects, and disequilibrium
   effects. Presentation given at Goldschmidt 2021 virtual meeting.
Samuelson, R., D. Cammack, H.M. Carroll, D.D. Houston, R. Japuntich, and K. Thompson. 2021. Passive
   monitoring of the native ‘three-species’ in the Dolores River Basin and land management implications.
   Presentation given at the CO/WY American Fisheries Society virtual conference.
Carroll, H., A.D. Wanamaker, L.G. Clark, B.E. Caissie, and J. Galang*. 2019. A high-resolution, multiproxy record
   of climate, vegetation, and fire history at the southern limit of the temperate tallgrass prairie, USA.
   American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Carroll, H., A.D. Wanamaker, L.G. Clark, B.J. Wilsey. 2019. Ambrosia and Artemisia pollen can distinguish between
   vegetation types at broad spatial scales. Botanical Society of America Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ
Carroll, H., L.G. Clark, B.E. Caissie, and A.D. Wanamaker. 2019. Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics at the
   southern limit of the temperate tallgrass prairie. Environmental Science Graduate Student Symposium, Ames, IA
Carroll, H., L.G. Clark, and A.D. Wanamaker. 2018. Preparation of a phytolith reference collection for the study of
   late Quaternary paleoecology in Missouri. Environmental Science Graduate Student Symposium, Ames, IA
Carroll, H., 2018. Late Quaternary paleoecology of the North American midcontinent. Iowa State University
   Dept of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Three Minute Thesis Competition
Carroll, H., L.G. Clark, and A.D. Wanamaker. 2017. Tracking Holocene vegetation change in the tallgrass prairie
   region: the power of big data in paleoecology. Environmental Science Graduate Student Symposium, Ames, IA
Carroll, H., C.T. Filstrup, and J.A. Downing. 2016. Comparative palynology of two agriculturally eutrophic lakes
   Environmental Science Graduate Student Symposium, Ames, IA
Carroll, H. and J.A. Downing. 2015. Water quality declines and diversity loss in an agriculturally eutrophic landscape
   Environmental Science Graduate Student Symposium, Ames, IA
Carroll, H. and J.A. Downing. 2015. Paleolimnological analysis of Iowa’s changing landscapes Graduate Research
   in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology symposium, Ames, IA
Julich, H. and J.A. Downing. 2014. Two hundred years of landscape change: Consequences for East Okoboji Lake,
   Iowa Assoc. for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, Portland, OR
Julich, H. and J.A. Downing. 2014. Use of palynological techniques to reconstruct macrophyte loss and multiple
   stable states in a eutrophic lake. Graduate Research in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology symposium, Ames, IA
Julich, H. and J.A. Downing. 2013. Use of palynological techniques to reconstruct macrophyte loss and multiple
   stable states in a eutrophic lake. Assoc. for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, New Orleans, LA
Julich, H. and B.J. Becker. 2008. An evaluation of conditions in in situ mesocosms Western Society of Naturalists
   Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Julich, H. and B.J. Becker. 2008. In situ culturing of larval sand dollars, Dendraster excentricus, in Friday Harbor,
   Washington. University of Washington Tacoma Environmental Research Symposium, Tacoma, WA
Julich, H. and B.J. Becker. 2008. In situ culturing of larval sand dollars, Dendraster excentricus, in Friday Harbor,
   Washington. UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, Seattle, WA
Julich, H. and B.J. Becker. 2007. In situ culturing of larval sand dollars, Dendraster excentricus, in Friday Harbor,
   Washington. Western Society of Naturalists Meeting, Ventura, CA


[35 total; includes 21 women and 12 students from other historically minoritized demographics in STEM;
undergraduate students except where noted]
+Indicates undergraduate mentee who subsequently completed a Master’s
Italics indicate Master’s or PhD mentee who has successfully defended
cIndicates Master’s advisory committee membership | aIndicates Master’s advisory committee chair

University of California, Los Angeles

Deepshikha Upadhyay (PhD), Jamie Lucarelli (PhD), Robert Ulrich (PhD), Jade Knighton (PhD), Hannah Tandy (PhD), Randy Flores (PhD)

California State University of Los Angeles

Stephanie Varghese, Antonio Dominguez

Western Colorado University, Gunnison

Reece Samuelson (MS), Ellie Orr (MS), Bronwyn Taylor (MS)c, Jake Bartholomew (MS)c, Ashley Hurst (MS)c, Laurel Trout (MS)a

Iowa State University, Ames

Jacqueline Galang, Alejand Hernandez-Delgado, Juan-Carlos Mungaray, Juan Perez, Kathryn Holmes,
Logan Crees+, Lindsay Mack, Josiah Ihnen, Marlyssa Crow+, Nicole Stout, Shelby Poole, Samuel Freestone, Emily Martin (Honors)+, Eric Tagatz, Megan Koppenhafer, Connor Nicholas, Molly Zelinskas, Molli Wienhold, Mariah Mahaney, Sarah Leichty (Honors)+, William Tony Manriquez

Selected Trainings and Certifications

*CIRTL: Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning,

CIRTL Certification: Associate Level Certification in University Teaching. 2021.
CIRTL Training: Decolonizing the Curriculum in STEAM. 2021.
CIRTL Training: Trauma-Responsive Teaching. 2021.
CIRTL Training: Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator. 2021.
IRACDA@UCLA Training: Interrupting Bias in the Classroom. 2021.
Mental Health First Aid Certification. 2021.
Entering Mentoring Training. 2021.
UCLA Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) Online Summer Scientific Teaching Institute: Foundations of Equitable Course Design & Inclusive Teaching. 2021.